It's first like a thief in the night,
Then it comes like a noon in the night:
Suddenly, it is a heart in a silent pit
Makes you Ignorant of what lies in it:
And when you do know
How to get out from such
It hovers; around moving
In its mind to a calm slaughter room of life
It becomes a window this time
A little bit shut from the left
But from the right, it is closed
And as a whole it is all open
And when you try to see what
Lies beyond through it, it becomes
A wall; a concrete wall, hard but has a soft touch
If you leave the wall,
And go back, you have failed
So you go on
Breaking the wall, making a large clear hole
But you do not know whether
You would see what you would not see
Inside this whole:
You pause
And it becomes a light,
A bright one:
It's your birthday.
You smile, so shocked
You laughed, so much grin:
Surprise is what it becomes
Then you realise it's been what
You've always expected
But do not know
Whether it will be or not be.
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