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When houseflies disturb your ears, you get angry, peeved and unsettled. All these happen only because you haven't come to the awareness of their act of thanksgiving.
Don't you thank God when you receive an unmerited favour?
The houseflies do too. First, they thank you for letting them into your home, then for giving them a meal to perch on, for providing the best meal of spoilt food you left in kitchen and most importantly for giving them a place to be delivered of their offsprings, those ones who will one day also come back to give their thanks to you.
You're are very much generous; can't you see that? Your heart is so charitable to the extent that when you lie helpless on your sick bed, they still come to thank you for the good things you did for them and by that time, not even your hands will be able to move against them and they will keep on giving thanks to you. Oh lord, give me such a thankful heart.
Many of us are guilty of this, myself inclusive. We leave our homes and food uncovered and our bins unkempt, therefore making ourselves vulnerable to disease. Our health is wealth. What we do today will come back tomorrow to tell us of a yesterday that destroyed a good tomorrow.
Protect yourself from harm and germs today.
Words from Temple of Words


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