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"Beauty lies in the object itself" the first law of aesthetics says, but do you know what the second law says? It says, "in the eyes of the beholder, beauty lies", hence if you've been told you were "beautiful", you will definitely be ugly to some; if "ugly" i
s what you've been called, you will surely be "beautiful" to others but there's one person you cannot deceive, that person embeds both the first and the second law and produces something. 
That person may decide to listen to what other people say and choose to follow them (whether beautiful or ugly) or dump everything and choose her own path, admitting to being beautiful Or ugly (no quotation marks used because it now becomes the real thing) irrespective of what others say. This is because, this time, she is both the object herself and the beholder and whatever she says will go with her for as long as forever is, well, until maybe something tells her other wise. That person is YOU! We are who we see ourselves as, no matter what others say, what we tell ourselves is the ultimate fact. 

Even God saw His own work and said "it is good" and even the devil could not convince him otherwise, that was why He sent his Son to save us when the devil tried to prove Him wrong. God was really convinced all these while and He still is: that was the Almighty commending Himself, so if you look at yourself, say this, " I AM BEAUTIFUL". 


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