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ASUU STRIKE! By Oluwatoniloba A.


Just when I thought everything was getting better, this ASUU people didn’t actually hold any meeting.

It all started on the 3rd of July, the rumours spread through the walls of the school: the students saying it everywhere, and the last thing I need is for the school to go on strike, this can last a month and from what I hear they said 100 days. That’s like 3 months and some days, and then my prayer started.

Finished my exams four days after, was happy to go home though four months in school ‘was no beans’ thinking everything was alright then the news came in, ASUU STRIKE IS ON.
Till this moment, it’s just sad. Spent a whole semester at home, doing nothing, besides going to my parents office, seeing my friends, even if I was to read, I am not interested in reading novels. Been watching TV, seeing movies, listening to music, learnt most words. 
We still on the issue, (ASUU issue),even when we were thinking of how to get rid of the kind of boredom killing us in the house, then we decided to travel, for how many weeks now, we finally  did.
It’s already up to four months if not five now since d strike started; I don’t even think I can spell some words now. I am sure I’m not the only student feeling this just that the so called leaders are so useless to actually notice this. Yet they claim so many things, the good living, and student’s issues but there is nothing.
On a Wednesday, very fateful one, woke up, went to the bank, came back and that was the end of the day. Nothing to do, even with the gen on for seven hours, still nothing to do, getting bored by the minute, students be thinking about their results, and I am one of those students.

That same Wednesday evening, while I was writing this article, then the news came to me that the strike was off but not officially announced ,and it was going to be next week, thinking it was going to be Friday. 

Everything is in God’s hands oh!  

Just when I thought everything was getting better, this ASUU people didn’t actually hold any meeting. The hopes of other students just died down. So many students, I won’t lie, including me were hoping to resume school this week. Staying at home till next year, doing nothing. Blank faces, no facial expression, always moody.

They actually had the guts to increase the days of the strike, but thanks to my school I think they understood what it was like, but they were too late anyways. We were asked to resume school, I went early as possible, though knowing nothing was happening in school. I had to leave that house, and Christmas is near, going home soon. 

The strike has being called off, or rather suspended, students would resume fully next year, January by his grace.

Then I guess this would be the last I will be writing of ASUU STRIKE!                                    


Looking for lady in love with silent muse and inside expression, then don't search too far, her name is Olúwátónílóba Àjàyí. She is one whose smile will take your laughter to the next level. She is motivated by our environmental happenings, and situations that call her attention to stand up right and write. Toniloba, is a graduate of Literature in English, from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-ife. She loves songs from Lil Wayne, traditional yoruba songs and reveres ro an utmost 'kilode!' Yoruba movie star, Odulade Adekola. Lastly, she’s a priestess of Temple of Words.

You can contact her through this Social media òpèlè(s)

Intagram:     _oluwatoniloba
Twitter.         _toniie_
Snapchat:     oluwatoni_e


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