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From the womb, life begins
In the tomb it ends all bargaining.
From the time the sun sets in the morning,
Mourning and joy begin in the life of man.
And when the evening arrives, the moon
And stars are out to speak of what has occurred
When the sun lighted the earth to reveal
The works of humans.
We start life from the enclosure of flesh
We end life in the enclosure of sands

What then do we ---- in life for?
We struggle in the morning
We enjoy at noon?
We stumble to a box at night
We become naked at birth and death.
We are all prisoners to life, and yet
We said we have conquered;
Whether one thinks he conquers life or not,
We cannot conquer life when we live in it;
We may think we do, but a king cannot rule
With relevant power in the palace of another king:
We only conquer when we have performed life's final rite.
Always know this: we only conquer when we have performed life's final rite.

My Advice: If we all get conquered as we dwell in the belly of life,  why then do we try to conquer through the murder of each other? Why then do we take away someone else's happiness and replace it with distress? Why do we live life as if we own it, when actually it owns itself and owns us till we conquer it. In fact, life's final ritual is performed by all, but only those who have lived well will conquer afterwards.
Do you want to conquer?
The choice is yours after all.


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