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From the beginning of life, when God created man, he created a being that will be eternal. He created a soul that would transcend the realm of earthly subjection. Before the fall, the spirit and soul of man, the one that was created to dwell eternally dominated all aspect of man's life.
At that time, when man was in a state of unity with the spirit and acknowledgement of God's will as the only real thing that could be, there was constant worship and communication between man and God.
Man and God were in a so-close effective communication that God speaks directly to man as if it were one on one. Why was this so? It was because the soul of man was the principal and it was the most visible. It was pure and true to the purpose of its creation. That was why there was no form of experiencing shame when the first man and woman in Genesis 2 vs 25 were naked; this was before the fall. After the fall, the body became the principal and this was not to result to a surprise that the first thing they became aware of in Genesis chapter 3 vs 7 was their nakedness; a depiction of the weak departure from the original structure of man. As a matter of fact, when God's time of visitation came, they hid themselves. Why did they hide? It was because they were afraid of standing in God's presence in their novel self which was absence of the precedence of the pure soul. It became the presence of the corruptible over the incorruptible.

When man fell, the corruptible became man's curse for disobedience. It became the hindrance between effective communication with God, even till now as the world has become the body-world and not the spirit-world. The body is the corruptible and it subdued the pure soul and spirit, making the spirit struggle to come to existence. No little wonder why both the body and the spirit are always at dagger's end; one trying to subdue the other. However, the flesh still has more hold on man,  because as long as the body dwells, man's direction towards the spirit walk will be very much difficult, though does not mean it's unachievable, in fact, it is a long walk to perfection.

Now to the key point. When Jesus Christ came, he came not to save man from his body, no that was not his target, he came not to save man from his works, nor came to condemn man, rather he came to save man from the condemnation of his soul. The soul, which happens to be the most important thing in the affairs of man even after death is eternal. God created the soul to be always present, indestructible and to transcend time's weakness and strength. That is why in hell, there is eternal damnation, in heaven there's eternal celebration. When man dies, does the body remain? No. It doesn't,  it becomes part of the dust from which it came, but the soul which dwells in the realm of eternity, hence returns to receive judgement, either condemnation or redemption depending on our choice while we still shared a union with the breath in our lungs.

This choice is just one and it's stated in the John chapter 3vs 16. If we believe and trust in God's redemption power we will be saved and in turn continuously become transformed into conforming with the dictates of the spirit.  We can't dwell in the body which is corruptible and still think we will gain the incorruptible. Instead we should dwell in the incorruptible to subject the corruptible body to a continuous spirit walk. We can't do this until we become part of the light which is our original configuration before the fall created a rift. What the light does is to expose our sinful acts and through this change will come, but we can't dwell in the light while we remain in darkness. To those in darkness, darkness is the light and to those in the light, the light is the light. They are binary opposing phenomena. The absence of darkness is the presence of light and the absence of light is the presence of darkness and we cannot dwell in the light except we come to the Man who is the light, which is the person of Jesus Christ. When we come to Jesus Christ,  we become part of the body of light, darkness becomes wary and exits. At this time, we have only one judge and it is Jesus. The approval of our innocence is Grace which has been bestowed upon us at the point of redemption and since God does not change and his words are forever true, the power of judgement remains in one Man, Jesus.

To save the soul and bring it back into the light, which is the original makeup of the soul, then you have to return to the first love of the soul, which is God. Through him, only, all men can be saved.
This is personal, God does not deal with the past, but deals with the now and now, as revealed in 2nd Corinthians 5 vs 17. The decision you make now is what determines the situation your soul will be placed while the soil swallows the body. The body which corrupts the soul will divorce it, leaving the soul. What do you want for your soul? To preserve it or to sever it from it's original make up. The choice is yours, but remember there is only one form of choice, to be or not to be saved.
To be in Christ is to accept him truthfully as one who gave his life for you in order to be saved, after which you then continue in faith by reading your Bible and praying everyday, a standard every believer should attain but to not be is to reject the formal and choose otherwise.
There is no guilt in Christ,  all there is is freedom from sin and its reward.
Always remember you hold the decision and no one else does.


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