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If the tongue could stomach great emotions enough, then there would have been no need to write in books.
If the mouth can hold unto words long enough without it dropping as if shrinks with time, then writing would have been a waste of time.

If pictures and sculptures and painting could express thoughts enough, revealing the true state of the human mind, then writings would be something of no worth.

 If dramatic actions and dialogue could birth itself on stage, then scripts are nothing but toilet sheets. 

If writing is nothing but a thief of time, stealing our moments and energy and activities, then the Holy Spirit wouldn’t have inspired the writing of scriptures.

 If music could reach unto the soul enough, then David as a case to answer, the psalms then would be full of lies.

If home could home me well without any need to beacon to my pen, then God! The giver of all, the one that gives all things to man and knows what is best, why didn’t you change this and give me another? It’s because without writing, all tales would be communal, but mine in books, would be ME speaking and the WORLD receiving. It wouldn’t be mixed with salt when there needs be sugar and sugar when there needs be salt in expressions.
Writing like other tools of expressions in art, speak the mind and tells stories, but each has its own ways and lights. Are you a writer? Then be proud to be. Are you a word bearer? Then be proud of it. Your thoughts are not yours to keep, your writings are not yours to read. They are for the world to drink, give them. They are for minds to feed on, feed them.  

Remember there can’t be a history without you, for HIS-STORY only becomes History when it’s being made known by you (HIS). 

Make His-story, by penning His-story, Your-story. 


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